lanning Your Table Plan
When deciding where your guests are going to sit it may help to write the guests' names on pieces of paper (keeping family groups on one piece), this will enable you to move the names about as you plan the tables. Start with the larger groups, guests that have to sit together or in a specific place and then 'fill in' from there. Rapidly the seating plan will take shape.
Bear in mind a few practicalities when seating the elderly or guests with young families and also be aware that the volume will be considerably louder nearer to your entertainment.
We do not produce plans that represent an 'aerial view' or show the shape of your tables. Experience has told us that last minute venue layout changes are all too common and we want you to have as little stress as possible. We show your guests names as a list for each table. With Table numbers or Table name cards, designed to coordinate with your plan, your guests will easily find their table and you will have a beautifully symmetrical, well laid out plan.
When you submit your lists of guests to us imagine everyone is seated at their table, start with one name and then list the names as you move clockwise around the table.

There are a few unwritten rules to consider when planning the order in which people are seated :
o For rectangular tables partners are usually seated opposite one another
o For round tables partners are usually seated next to one another
o Alternate the females and the males
o Group together guests who have common interests eg work colleagues, friends, aunts and uncles etc
o Mixing both families helps everyone get to know each other.
o Small children (up to about 7 years old) should sit with their parents*. A children's table might include children from ages 7 to 12. Older teenagers should be seated as the other guests not necessarily with their parents.
*If young children are to be seated in high chairs it is wise to consult the venue as soon as possible to check they will accommodate your intended layout. Some venues insist that highchairs be given the same amount of space as an adult guest and will not allow them to be 'fitted in' beside their parents for saf