o Check your response cards and make sure everyone is accounted for, including those who responded verbally as well as their spouses and children.
o List the names of couples and their small children in groups, so you can seat the family together.
o If you are keeping to table numbers number the tables in a logical order so they'll be easy to locate.
o Write down each table number (or name), followed by lines equal to the number of seats available at the table. It's usual for a table to seat 8 or 10 guests.
o List the names of the guests to each particular table. If the occasion is less formal directing your guests to a table rather than a specific seat allows for more mingling.
o Arrange for an extra table (or a couple of spare seats) to accommodate those who respond at the last minute.
o Singles can be seated among couples and families.
o Couples should be seated with their spouses or partners.
o Mixing both families helps everyone get to know each other.